Our shipping and returns policy stipulates a time frame for returns. We have fast shipping for the orders that ship mostly in 3-7 business days. Moreover, for hassle-free returns, MaaJanaki provides at least 7 days no question asked return policy.
We will try to transport your package as soon as possible. Normally it takes around 3-4 days for final delivery. If there are any uncertainties, during the delivery process, you will have to co-operate with us.
You need to position the tracking information for delivery. Tracking information for online orders can be usually found in the order confirmation step of checkout. You may also track your order from a confirmation email or specific customer account for a store.
First of all, you need to check our website that contains various electronic products. You need to select the product you would like to order. Check all the prices, discounts as well as terms and conditions. After that, you may place an order through the website or directly call us at the given number.
You may e-mail us at our official address, maajanakicomputer@gmail.com, or contact us through our website and Facebook page. In case of urgent queries, you may directly call us at the given number, provided on the website.